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“If that isn’t your little Braedyn,
you’re doing something wrong!”
Salt Lake City, UT—This week’s announcement that the church
would continue its close ties with the Boy Scouts of America program came as a
tremendous relief to Zion’s tens of thousands of frenzied and competitive mothers.
“Oh I know I let out a huge sigh of relief,” recounted
Jennifer Brandeis. “I will never forget that President Benson promised
that if boys like my Ryler would check off all of the right boxes, you know,
Eagle Scout, seminary, mission, go to prom with a girl in a modest dress, then
his place in the celestial kingdom would be sealed forever and ever!” Brandeis
added that “now all I have to do is make sure he does exactly those things no
matter what and then I’ll know I’ve been a good mom.”
Brandeis’ relief was echoed by mothers like Janet Young who explained
that “not only does the Scouting program provide instruction and character-building
activities, but rank advancements and merit badges give me a way to measure my
son’s growth and value and also to see how well I’m doing as a mother.” Young
went on to explain that “without scouting it could be impossible to know what moms to look out for, you know, because they are doing so much, and what moms
are really dropping the ball when it comes to raising righteous sons and future
stake presidents in Zion!”
In addition to providing sons and mothers with a clear measuring
stick for growth and value, Scouting, according to mothers like Anne Parks, “gives
my sons Stevyn, Wesley, and Kredence the surest guard against the evils of our
day like exposure to pornography and experimentation with, um, you know,
inappropriate things and activities.”
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