When our church leaders speak the Lord’s words, they expect
us to listen and obey. We know that it is only by exact obedience that we can be
sure that Satan won’t slowly turn up the temperature on our pot until we are spiritually
boiled to death. Strict faith and obedience to each and every word from God is
why the real danger that the church faces today isn’t from ISIS or Obama or
even Caitlyn Jenner. No, what threatens to destroy God’s work today are
cafeteria Mormons.
Cafeteria Mormons have the false, satanic idea that they can
pick and choose what words of God they want to listen to and obey. They love
one apostle (usually Uchtdorf!) and resist God’s word as given by others (like
Packer!). They love some scriptures, like King Benjamin’s speech or Christ
letting the prostitute off the hook, but disregard others, like how it was
obedience and not grace that saved Noah or how God commanded Abraham and Nephi
to kill when God found it necessary.
What cafeteria Mormons fail to realize is that each and
every word of scripture, of revelation, and in the manuals and handbooks go
together perfectly, completely, and harmoniously. It is either all true or it is all false—that
is just how it is. If this offends your ideas and if you want to reject the Biblical
truth of how Jacob used rods to produce more striped, speckled, and spotted
lambs for himself (Genesis 30) or if you want to reject how God used a sea
monster to punish Jonah, then you can kick against the pricks and jeopardize your
When cafeteria Mormons are truly wolves in sheep’s clothing
is when they start to infect others with their diseased doubts. They show an
appalling lack of humility when they question a church policy or when they wonder
aloud if social or cultural ideas influence God’s revelations to His chosen
vessels. Sometimes they claim “personal revelation,” but we all know that no
personal revelation that is really from God would ever be even slightly
different from what God tells His leaders. The Comforter confirms—that is all! Case
Of course some of these deceived and too often deceiving “Mormons”
assemble in apostate groups and conferences or exchange ideas in that cesspool
of falsehood that is the “Bloggernacle,” but they are sometimes even seen in
our stakes, wards, or homes. Every effort should be made to avoid them, and
thereby quarantine their infectious ideas. It may seem unkind or cruel, but we
know that God has commanded his righteous in ancient times to kill every
apostate man, woman, and child, and it is better that we insulate ourselves
from them and their wickedness to avoid dealing with doubts or questions about
God’s words. Avoiding, shunning, and shaming those who fail to successfully doubt all of their doubts is clearly God’s loving way of keeping His innocent and trusting sheep safe.