While the blog features writers with diametrically opposed
views, they share a common disdain for “those cow-like, dim-witted, and über-complacent
Sunday pew sitters who think that having faith, keeping the commandments, and
doing your best is enough.”
The blog includes a series called “Why all
is Not Well in Zion.” This series
recently featured posts about how smart, righteous women must wear pants to
church as well as how faithful, righteous saints must shun the evils of pants. Both posts made it clear that one’s
intelligence and righteousness were contingent upon these actions. Additional posts chided saints for not being
able to “Help your Child find that special Gay Life-Partner” or for not “Helping Your Gay Children Experience Sufficient Shame.”
The blog also features a number of counters. Liberal counters include “How Many Times Boys
Commit the Sin of Calling Modest Girls Pure and Attractive,” “Estimated Days
Until the Saints are Righteous Enough for God to Give Women the Priesthood and
Allow Gays to Marry in the Temple,” and “The Number Of Reasons Why A Critical
Faith Is Essential For Salvation.” Counters for conservatives include “Number of
Times Something in the World Offends My Spirit,” “Estimated Days until the
Saints Are Righteous Enough for God to Restore Mandatory Polygamy,” and “The Number Of Reasons
Why Faith In The Second Amendment Is Essential For Salvation.”
One blogger, known as “Ordain Pets Now!” said that, “when someone doesn’t see things correctly, I naturally explain to that poor soul that they have a confirmation bias.” Another blogger, “McConkie’s 700 Deadly Heresies” also noted that “those who should also be ashamed of not seeing things correctly are the willfully blind caught in the mists of darkness deeper than Salt Lake City fog.” Most bloggers say that those who are too cowardly to think like them are too afraid of new ideas or “cognitive dissonance.” Such “weaklings should experience shame that gets them to see things my way.”
Permanent Bloggers known as “Heavenly Mother Loves Judith
Butler” and “It Should be Called Evilution” have both created manifestos that
conclude in the same way: “We will not rest until every seemingly content
saint, drunk on the fruit that is a failure to understand what is really
important, is anxiously engaged in the correct cause—mine!” None of the “most Mormons” could be reached
for comment, as they were putting kids to bed, trying to fit in some scripture
study time, or having a real life instead of reading blogs.
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