
Monday, June 5, 2017


Like this, but with God
Heaven—Reports from the Celestial Kingdom indicate that even after millions upon millions of people in worlds without end, God still thoroughly enjoys playing peek-a-boo with pretty much all of His children.

“Yah, He just never seems to tire of hiding and hiding and then suddenly appearing in the lives of mortals,” said one angelic source.

“I’ve got to say,” said another source, “that sometimes it can seem a little mean.” This heavenly source went to explain that “that thing He did with Abraham, you know, and his son Isaac, and then just at the last moment He jumped out and was like ‘JK—here’s a ram instead.’” 

The angel clarified that “of course it isn’t just for fun, I mean, Abraham learned about God and God’s sacrifice.” The angel stated that Abraham learned trust, and that “even though you can’t see God does not mean He is gone forever—the same thing that little kids learn when humans play peek-a-boo with them.”

“Let me say that a really memorable game,” continued an angel, “was the one God playing with C.S. Lewis—I mean that man was so taken by all of it that he wrote a book about it called Surprised by Joy.”

A final source noted that “I think one of the best parts is hearing both humans and God laugh when He surprises them—we just all smile at that. Sometimes it is a long wait, but that laugh is totally worth it!” 

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