
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Huntsman: “I Would Accept a Calling in the Romney Administration”

It's all right there in his patriarchal blessing!

by Paul Allen
SALT LAKE CITY—In a series of tweets today, Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and recent candidate for the GOP nomination in the 2012 Presidential election, announced to his followers that he would "humbly accept a calling in the Romney Administration.” 

Citing a dream in which he saw himself traveling the globe with President Romney, “two by two, spreading the word of democracy and securing foreign oil,” Huntsman made it clear that if the administration called, he would answer.

“I really don’t feel worthy to serve,” Huntsman admitted, noting that the voters of New Hampshire agreed.  “But I know that when the mantle of Secretary of State, or even Vice President is bestowed upon a man willing to serve his country, that the spirit of democracy moves in mysterious ways, and even a quiet, unassuming, un-nominated man such as myself can fulfill a mission far beyond his usual abilities.”  

First, he acknowledged, it was essential to do his part to have Romney’s election made sure to the highest office of the land.

After mentioning that he has  “heeded the call to serve before,” a veiled reference to his ambassadorship to China, Huntsman concluded by noting that he “knows the United States is true, that President Romney would be a true president, and that the Constitution was an inspired document handed down for the past two hundred years by inspired men."

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